Hey Guys

We have seen the introduction to FEA. Actually, that is not enough for the FEA I know, but basically, the people know the types of analysis for more information I am writing on this topic. We will be going to cover more details of FEA as I mentioned like the past, present, and future of FEA. and also types of analysis. Today for this I am posting a basic difference but important difference in types of analysis.

So let's start... 

Actually, when I am doing the analysis the first time I know the static analysis and the dynamic analysis priorly. And at the beginning, I am taking the tutorial from youtube and solving it by just clicking on the solve button but actually, I don't know about them. Then actually I am decided to do the different types of analysis and I know about the transient type of analysis and when I found that I searched it on google so I found that the definition like

 "transient analysis, by definition, involves loads that are dependent on time. You can perform a transient structural analysis (also called time-history analysis)" so I get to know that we can apply the time-dependent load on the modal so I go through this definition. 

And also I searched for the Dynamic analysis I got this from google      

                       " Explicit  analyses are used to determine the time-varying displacements, strains, stresses, and forces in a structure as it responds to any combination of static and time-varying loads while simultaneously considering the effects of inertia or damping."

So, it is ok... and I got for static is 

static structural analysis determines the displacements, stresses, strains, and forces in structures or components caused by loads that do not induce significant inertia and damping effects. "

Actually one day in one tutorial I found that we can apply the static loading condition in static also means we can apply step wrt to time. So I get confused about both three of them. I asked various professionals and teachers and also search too much related to this so I get to know that we can apply the step in both three of them but in static, the load step is not true. 

            In Static Structural analysis, we are only solving the [K]{u} = {F} equation. The time shown in Static analysis is pseudo-time, which means it is not real. It is only used to help describe how the force or displacement is applied, or some time-dependent material properties such as creep. so as the definition says we cant consider the inertia and damping in the static analysis but what are inertia and damping lets talk on this topic in the upcoming blog as it is important. what about the transient and dynamic in both the definition the transient analysis and the dynamic analysis we apply the time-varying load so what is that let me clear 

        Actually, suppose any blast or shock happens to your modal and you want the analysis of this so how you do that, basically you do it in dynamic analysis. But the transient is also time-varying ... 

                yes, it is time-varying but your load duration is so much shorter than your structure's natural frequency. Only explicit can really capture this in the time domain. In these cases, the structure doesn't have time to fully deform because the load is there and then gone. So it is very fast and quick.

            So for this, the transient structural may be able to capture this but it really needs to break the problem down into very, very, small timesteps. Implicit solvers are typically used for transient structural analysis and use P=Kx and invert stiffness matrix to solve. 

                In the case of longer duration loads (which is two or three times the natural period of structure or longer), your structure will have time to deform according to the load and an implicit solver for transient structural analysis will easily capture this.

            So in one way the transient structural is a cheater 😂. What happens, this breaks your problem in the short short time step or in steady-state, and then it sums up to get the displacement. 

So I hope you get it actually at once one of my sirs told me that this is a very complex topic many of FEA teachers and students are yet confused and it really needs to many years of experience and studies and now I feel the same...



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