What is Non-linearities in FEA? & What are different types?
Hey guys Today we are talking about the most important topic i.e. the nonlinearity of FEA. What is non-lineaities? We have talked about linear and non-linear analysis. And how they differentiate from each other. Every problem that we encountered in real life is non-linear. But for the sake of simplifying the problem, we do it with the linear analysis. What is the linear analysis means? In which for solving any type of problem we considered that the force and the displacement (As an output) are changing linearly. As in the linear analysis the stiffness of matrix doest change it remains constant. As in the non-linear analysis, there are different types of non-linear analysis. The nonlinearities vary or it depends on various factors there are various types of non-linearites such as a 1) Material nonlinearity 2) Geometric nonlinearity 3) Contact nonlinearity 1) Material nonlinearity As in Material nonlinear...