
Showing posts with the label Introduction to FEA


 Hey guys, Today we are going to talk about meshing, I know another meshing one blog yes... I know we already discuss some meshing concept but today we are exploring it a bit more... so let's start  We know why we carry out meshing and what its advantages also we had discussed about the DOF and nodes, elements blah blah... if you don't read it I am providing the link here check it out So the basic purpose to carry out is to make calculations at finite points. We know that we have to carry out meshing for the various geometries and geometry can be different and complex.                     Then what to do in such cases, Lets explore it we know that our FEA problem which we are solving is needed to be easy and not very much complex and, if you have a complex problem then we need to identify how can we simplify it... We can simplify the ...


 Hey guys, Let's talk about the meshing of FEA, FEM, and its types. That is really an important concept of FEA that every FEA analyst needs to know.                 The basic theme for the generation of mesh is to make the calculation at the finite no of point and then interpolate the result at the entire surface and domain.  For example the above dig. shows that if we have a surface and want to calculate the result then we cant calculate it bcoz of where in the domain having an infinite no of points and each point having 6 dof so the total equation created is infinite. In another way in dig 2 we are dividing the domain in some finite no of points and the equation generated is 48.               The Finite Element Method reduces dof from an infinite no of points to a finite no of points with the help of discretization i.e. meshing (Nodes & Elements) All calculation made at nodes and th...


 Hey guys, Today we are talking about the most important topic, which is damping... Previously, we talked about the static, Transient, & Dynamic analysis, now we know that the damping effect is considered in the transient and dynamic analysis. So, what is damping? The important thing to know, that damping can be good as well as bad according to your use of the system.              The damping is such a phenomenon when the displacement of any object happens there is damping that get produced. A system can be so damped that it cannot vibrate. Actually friction is also a type of damping. The damping force dissipates the energy in the material generally in the internal thermal energy. Talking about the static analysis where if the object is subjected to a certain load the displacement is happening in which we cannot consider the damping effect for the object.              But if talking about ...


 Hey guys, Let's look at the Introduction to FEA. To solve the analysis we are going from basics that describes the FEA theory. It is just like the book...but I try to explain it in simple language. I will try my best. So let's go through it... So, to solve any engineering problem there are three approaches  1.Analytical Approach  2.numerical Approach 3.Experimental Approach 1.  Analytical Approach  The Analytical Approach is the theoretical approach or the classic approach. Which has a 100% accurate result.  It is like the paper pen method. This is a classic approach that is used early in the 19s. The analytical approach is only can be used for like the simple problems like the cantilever beams and the simply supported beam. The analytical approach or method can give an approximate result if the solution is closed form but in the broad sense, the method is known as closed-form solution i.e. 100% accurate. There are two steps to solve the method. Step 1: Wr...