Hey guys,
Hope you are doing well, in today's topic we are going to discuss the shell meshing and its types and some important question that you will get after, we have talked about so many sections.
So let's start with what is shell meshing? and how it works.
shell meshing is nothing but simple meshing which includes 2-D mesh on the surface which is either quilt or on the mid surface or at the boundary. In this type of meshing, the software generates the 2-D mesh of quad or triangular elements, which has a low thickness value. The shell elements consist of three methods:
1. Midsurface:
This method generates the mesh at the mid surface of the geometry and this method is preferred for the thin-walled surface.
2. Shell:
Applies a triangular or quadrilateral shell mesh to quilt surfaces.
3. Boundary:
Directly apply the mesh to the surface of geometry and the interior of geometry has no mesh.
Different type of elements for shell meshing:
1.Pure quad element
2.Mixed mode
3.Equilateral tria
4.Right tria
As we know that what is a quad element and why we have to use a quad element the quad element is preferred for accuracy and for convergence. The mixed type of element is generally preferred because it takes less time to generate as it contains the quad and triangular element which is generated when there is difficulty to generate quad. We have talked about this in previous blogs.
The important question is
As we have discussed in the blogs we know the quad has better than tria so why not mesh with only the quad element why FEA provides tria element as most people know about it but what are actually the reasons for it:
1. Mesh transition:
It is the most important reason for the structural and fatigue analysis as we need the dense mesh on critical areas and course mesh in the normal regions so for this we need tria elements as tria helps to smooth mesh quality from dense to course sections.
2.Complex geometry:
Geometry features like the cutout edge and ribs have difficulty in meshing with the quad elements and it gives poor results and takes more time to do with the quad.
3.Better mesh flow:
The mixed flow has the better mesh flow and in the non-linear analysis, we have the quad elements for accurate results.
4.Tetra meshing:
Tetra meshing is a type in which the boundary elements are meshed with the tetra elements and then it will be converted into the tria elements. Actually, we are going to discuss this topic in detailed
5.Mould flow analysis:
Dont take tension we are going to discuss this tyupe of analysis also but it takes time just know that this analysis requiure the tria elements we will discuss about it why it needs later on ...
so guys this is some reasons that both the elements are required while analyzing and doing FEA.
If you want the more details on shell meshing herei am sharing a link please go through it:
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