Hey Guys, Today we are talking about the Inertia of relief analysis. what is Inertia relief analysis? The inertia relief analysis is such a type of analysis in which the analysis of unconstrained bodies is done. So what is mean of unconstrained bodies, the bodies which have not any degrees of freedom fix or all dof's are free is known as unconstrained bodies. In real practises there are various unconstrained bodies are there. For doing such types of analysis we apply the fixed support or the remote displacement but in real conditions, they are not subjected to any of the constrained motion. So for evaluating these results we have to use the Inertia relief analysis The procedure of Inertia Relief analysis is to balance externally applied forces so that bodies with no or partial boundary conditions remain in the equilibrium position. Let us assume the case of an Aeroplane in cruise- When the aeroplane is on the ground we hav...