Hey guys,
Let's talk about the meshing of FEA, FEM, and its types. That is really an important concept of FEA that every FEA analyst needs to know.
The basic theme for the generation of mesh is to make the calculation at the finite no of point and then interpolate the result at the entire surface and domain.
For example the above dig. shows that if we have a surface and want to calculate the result then we cant calculate it bcoz of where in the domain having an infinite no of points and each point having 6 dof so the total equation created is infinite. In another way in dig 2 we are dividing the domain in some finite no of points and the equation generated is 48. The Finite Element Method reduces dof from an infinite no of points to a finite no of points with the help of discretization i.e. meshing (Nodes & Elements)
All calculation made at nodes and the entity which joining nodes and forming a specific shape known as elements i.e. triangular, quadrilateral anywhere between the domain interpolation function is used
Let's look it at in some more detailed way the calculation is taking place at the limited no of points but what about the calculation in somewhere in unknown points.
This is achieved by the interpolation function. consider the four noded quad element in which FEA calculates the value at outer nodes.
So the equation becomes, U= a0 + a1x + a2y + a3xy
The value in between the domain is can find out by just specifying the x, y coordinate
So what if we are increasing the no of calculation points, Accuracy will increase?
Yes it will increase, by increasing the no of lines the error margin get reduced
There are various types of elements we can create and apply but generally, at present, we go for the triangular and quad element some CFD software has introduced the Hexa and Penta nodes for increasing accuracy and area but as nodes increase the time of computations also increase so it is a direct relation between them. In next we are going to discuss some non-linearities
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