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 Hey guys, Today we are talking about the degrees of freedom which is dof''s. The dof is the freedom of any point that it wants to move in a particular direction. T he maximum number of logically independent values, which are values that have the  freedom  to vary. In the CAD or designing of any component, it is very important to understand about the dof. If we don't consider it may lead to failure. Also in FEA, the dof is very important in terms of calculating the result of getting the proper values from the mesh. The principle of meshing works on the dof. In which each node has its own dof. We will be going to talk about the mesh and why mesh is important and how it works later on in detail. But in short, the mesh is the important part in which it divides the modal into the element and nodes so that at each node we can extract the result from it. The nodes are points created by elements. Going back to the dof, each node has its own dof. We know that we have the 12 no of...