

 Hey guys, Today we are talking about the degrees of freedom which is dof''s. The dof is the freedom of any point that it wants to move in a particular direction. T he maximum number of logically independent values, which are values that have the  freedom  to vary. In the CAD or designing of any component, it is very important to understand about the dof. If we don't consider it may lead to failure. Also in FEA, the dof is very important in terms of calculating the result of getting the proper values from the mesh. The principle of meshing works on the dof. In which each node has its own dof. We will be going to talk about the mesh and why mesh is important and how it works later on in detail. But in short, the mesh is the important part in which it divides the modal into the element and nodes so that at each node we can extract the result from it. The nodes are points created by elements. Going back to the dof, each node has its own dof. We know that we have the 12 no of...


 Hey guys,  Let's talk about some important thing which is the stiffness matrix. The stiffness matrix is used in every type of analysis either it is static or dynamic. So what is the stiffness matrix as its word suggest the stiffness of an object or stiffness of anything  The stiffness matrix is a matrix which is the stiffness of any elements or the structure which is expressed in the matrix form for solving the governing equation of the problem to get the solution. The stiffness matrix is the key to the treasure to the FEA. Bcoz if there is no stiffness matrix associated with your problem then we cant solve the FEA problem. The stiffness matrix is denoted by this [k] . The matrix mainly depends on the properties which are the material and the geometric structure. For deriving the matrix for any geometry or shape of elements there are three types of methods which is... 1. Direct method: The  direct method is easy to understand but difficult to program so the commerc...


 Hey guys, Today we are talking about the most important topic, which is damping... Previously, we talked about the static, Transient, & Dynamic analysis, now we know that the damping effect is considered in the transient and dynamic analysis. So, what is damping? The important thing to know, that damping can be good as well as bad according to your use of the system.              The damping is such a phenomenon when the displacement of any object happens there is damping that get produced. A system can be so damped that it cannot vibrate. Actually friction is also a type of damping. The damping force dissipates the energy in the material generally in the internal thermal energy. Talking about the static analysis where if the object is subjected to a certain load the displacement is happening in which we cannot consider the damping effect for the object.              But if talking about ...


 Hey Guys,  Today we are talking about the Inertia of relief analysis. what is Inertia relief analysis? The inertia relief analysis is such a type of analysis in which the analysis of unconstrained bodies is done. So what is mean of unconstrained bodies, the bodies which have not any degrees of freedom fix or all dof's are free is known as unconstrained bodies. In real practises there are various unconstrained bodies are there. For doing such types of analysis we apply the fixed support or the remote displacement but in real conditions, they are not subjected to any of the constrained motion. So for evaluating these results we have to use the Inertia relief analysis           The procedure of Inertia Relief analysis is to balance externally applied forces so that bodies with no or partial boundary conditions remain in the equilibrium position.    Let us assume the case of an Aeroplane in cruise- When the aeroplane is on the ground we hav...


 Hey Guys We have seen the introduction to FEA. Actually, that is not enough for the FEA I know, but basically, the people know the types of analysis for more information I am writing on this topic. We will be going to cover more details of FEA as I mentioned like the past, present, and future of FEA. and also types of analysis. Today for this I am posting a basic difference but important difference in types of analysis. So let's start...  Actually, when I am doing the analysis the first time I know the static analysis and the dynamic analysis priorly. And at the beginning, I am taking the tutorial from youtube and solving it by just clicking on the solve button but actually, I don't know about them. Then actually I am decided to do the different types of analysis and I know about the transient type of analysis and when I found that I searched it on google so I found that the definition like  " A  transient analysis , by definition, involves loads that are dependent ...


 Hey guys, Let's look at the Introduction to FEA. To solve the analysis we are going from basics that describes the FEA theory. It is just like the book...but I try to explain it in simple language. I will try my best. So let's go through it... So, to solve any engineering problem there are three approaches  1.Analytical Approach  2.numerical Approach 3.Experimental Approach 1.  Analytical Approach  The Analytical Approach is the theoretical approach or the classic approach. Which has a 100% accurate result.  It is like the paper pen method. This is a classic approach that is used early in the 19s. The analytical approach is only can be used for like the simple problems like the cantilever beams and the simply supported beam. The analytical approach or method can give an approximate result if the solution is closed form but in the broad sense, the method is known as closed-form solution i.e. 100% accurate. There are two steps to solve the method. Step 1: Wr...


 Hey guys, I want to clarify, why this blog and who can make use of this effectively. Every mechanical engineer knows about the FEA or in the period of engineering he/she heard the name of analysis. And some of the students working and solving the problems in various software. We know that for FEA there are n no. of Softwares is available in the market and we use them by craking or some use its academic license, whatever that is not an issue...                    So, talking about me I am a mechanical engineer and I love to analyze the things or I can say, I love FEA or CAD, CAM & CAE. Actually, I am not an expert in this but I have some knowledge about this, on the basis of various sites that I have scrolled till now and by hearing and experiencing. I have mostly used Ansys software. Actually, at an early time when I am new to this field, I want the course of Ansys to make my simulation to be done and to learn new things i...