Hey guys,

Let's look at the Introduction to FEA. To solve the analysis we are going from basics that describes the FEA theory. It is just like the book...but I try to explain it in simple language. I will try my best. So let's go through it...

So, to solve any engineering problem there are three approaches 

1.Analytical Approach 

2.numerical Approach

3.Experimental Approach

1.  Analytical Approach 

The Analytical Approach is the theoretical approach or the classic approach. Which has a 100% accurate result.  It is like the paper pen method. This is a classic approach that is used early in the 19s. The analytical approach is only can be used for like the simple problems like the cantilever beams and the simply supported beam. The analytical approach or method can give an approximate result if the solution is closed form but in the broad sense, the method is known as closed-form solution i.e. 100% accurate. There are two steps to solve the method.

Step 1: Writing the governing equation i.e. formulating the problem definition in the mathematical form.

Step 2: Mathematical solution of governing equation

2. Numerical Approach

This approach is which we used in our software. Which is based on the numerical method In this method, the assumption is made to solve any problem if there is a need. This method is applicable to the real-life prototype problems if there is not any physical prototype available. In this method, we can solve real-life complicated problems. And the results are needed to verify as we cant  follow this blindly

        In this Numerical Approach, various methods are available which is

        1. FEM       2.BEM       3.FVM        4.FDM

        1.FEM: In this Finite Element Method, by this, the linear, Fatigue, Thermal, Buckling,                            Dynamic, analysis problems are solved 

        2.BEM: Boundary Element Method, Acoustic or NVH problems are solved

        3.FVM: finite Volume Method, By this, the CFD problems are solved.

        4.FDM: Finite Difference Method, By this Thermal and fluid flow analysis combine with                         the fluid flow analysis problem solved.

3.Experimental Approach :

An actual prototype is made in this approach. And this method is time-consuming and cost consuming. In this method, the results are cant be believed blindly as the 3-4 time testing is needed to verify the result.

So as we discussed in this we know that we use Numerical approach to solve the problem so under this the many methods are come like as we discussed 

So the fun question here is it is possible to use all the above methods to solve the same problem?

YES, but the difference is the accurate achieved and the ease of programming that we have to understand if suppose you try to solve the problem which is needed to solve by the FEM but you are solving it by BEM so the time required and the accuracy is affected much worst in this case. When internal details (like stresses, strain, etc) are required the BEM leads to poor results.

We are talking about all the methods in detail in upcoming sessions... Up till stay tuned 

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  1. Amazing initiative shounak.. it will surely enhance the knowledge of many students about anlysis domain.

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      Nice to see you here


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